Editorial: Herron’s Uniform Policy Needs Revision

Recently Herron High School’s track team held a fundraiser which sold spirit wear for the school. These included Herron sweatshirts, windbreakers, hats, and much more. So naturally I had assumed that when I walked in wearing my gray Herron sweatshirt that there’d be no issue…but there was. I was told to take off my spirit wear because it “did not comply with the uniform” and received a log from my teacher.

This is absolutely nonsensical. How can you as not only a school, but a business as well, expect consumers and parents to purchase your own clothing and spirit wear, and limit when the consumer can wear it? My parents spent upwards of $200 buying apparel and more for my family, so when I received a log for wearing a $34 Herron sweater my mom was naturally shocked.

This uniform needs revision. The sweater I wore was simply a gray sweater with the word “Herron Achaeans” running down the side…that’s all. The uniform policies are not only too strict, but they are also very vague and as result, I was punished for having a lack of information.

This is a message to teachers, students, and leaders of the school: Fix the uniform policy.

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